The Ag Bio-Power Energy System

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Gasification is a process that is sometimes referred to as partial or semi-combustion. A device that is used to accomplish this is called a gasifier. In the gasification process, oxygen is deprived to the combustion of solid fuel causing a gas to be produced that can be piped to a point where it can be combusted for practical use. Burners and engines are typical devices in which producer gases are used. A gasifier is the key component in the Ag Bio-Power Energy System, but it is not the only component. In a patented configuration of the system, solid wastes containing metals and other non-combustible materials are burned separately while a gasifier is used as a scrubber for the polluting emissions. In another configuration, solid waste materials are combined with shelled corn and gasified together. The emissions from the overall system meet, and are well within, EPA standards. Gasifier units can be sized to produce from 100,000 Btu per hour up to 2 million Btu per hour. Larger capacity units are being developed. Gasifiers can be configured in parallel to meet virtually any size energy need.